
During the final two quarters of the project, and based on the results obtained through the duration of the project, a Post-LIFE Conservation Plan will be developed. This will present in a clear and structured form the activities that are planned once the project has finished.

This plan constitutes a commitment by the General Directorate of the Environment of the Government of Extremadura to continue the battery of activities that have been undertaken through the project, with the support of the European Commission, to ensure that in the medium and long-term there is continuity for the resources that have been invested and activities carried out, guaranteeing the conservation of the lesser kestrel in Extremadura, as a species of community interest, in coherence with the rest of the Natura 2000 network. 

At the same time, the municipalities involved will perceive that there is also a commitment by the administration to maintain a continuity in the actions across the territory, that is not just a one-off response during a set time-frame. 

The plan will offer an overview of the coverage of the LIFE project, the situation at the beginning and that at the end, showing both the problems encountered as well as the successes achieved.

Based on this, the principal conservation objectives will be identified, as well as future priorities for action, the human resources necessary to carry out the plan, the coordination and/or participation of other administrations, bodies or entities, the measures planned in the Replication Strategy for sharing the final results in the long term and the principal sources of funds to undertake this work.  

The content of the Plan will be agreed by the partners of the project and will count on the approval of the Scientific Committee to confirm that the defined priorities and the planned activities are the most appropriate to guarantee the conservation status of the species in Extremadura.

The Post-Life Conservation Plan will be published in Spanish and English, with the Final Report of the project attached. In addition, a digital format will be published for sharing in the web page of the project.

Responsible for implementation: General Directorate of the Environment.