
Within the strategy for replication of the project is planned the design and publication of promotional printed materials that will complement on the ground the function met by the web page in the global network.

To produce these different materials graphic designers will be hired who have a wide experience of creating promotional material. One of these will also support the specific element linked to the illustration of construction processes, diagrams, schematic drawings, material for children etc.

The types of planned materials include:

  • Two types of promotional stickers for the project, circular and in colour. One for exterior use in three designs and the other for interior use on glass.
  • Generic information leaflet on the project with background, objectives and actions about the project in English and Spanish.
  • Two management manuals for urban SPAs with lesser kestrels and feeding habitat management, in notebook format, in colour and using recycled paper. One will be technical with a graphic description of the measures that can be carried out in the construction work on buildings and how to make compatible the work with the conservation of the species. The other with good practice guidelines for farmers on improving feeding habitat close to urban areas. These manuals, in English and Spanish, are fundamental for the replication of the project (action E11).
  • Leaflet “Chicks fallen from the nest”, which will be descriptive, setting out the correct advice on what to do when finding a lesser kestrel chick that has fallen from the nest.
  • Promotional poster about the project.
  • Maps of the five urban SPAs in which action E10 will be developed. These will include practical information about the lesser kestrel in each locality, advice on routes for seeing the species, tourist resources and agents linked to the tourist product, in English and Spanish.
  • Leaflet about the urban SPA network in Extremadura, key for awareness-raising in the local population and for visitors about the importance of the lesser kestrel in the locality for the conservation of the species.

The following will be included as content: the Natura 2000 network in Extremadura, the network of urban SPAs in Extremadura, objectives of the LIFE ZEPAURBAN, the lesser kestrel in the urban SPAs, principal tourist attractions of historic, heritage and cultural interest and other information of interest to the tourist.

  • Children’s game with stickers of different species of birds linked to urban environments, to build knowledge of the actions that can help their conservation and to build awareness about threats. It will be like a comic and at the end of the game, it will unfold to become a poster.
  • Training folders: for documents in training workshops (action E3)
  • Manual on the tourist product about the lesser kestrel: with the objectives and criteria to meet for the businesses and entities that wish to subscribe to the tourist product (action E9).
  • Leaflet with the content of the training workshops.
  • Labelled pens that will be distributed in the publicity activities of the project.
  • Catalogue of tourist experiences about lesser kestrels in the urban SPAs in Extremadura, with individual descriptions (English and Spanish) of each of the tourist experiences proposed by the businesses and entities subscribed to the tourist product, for distribution in tourist offices, fairs and sectoral events (action E10).

The project requires dissemination because that will build visibility of its objectives and actions, mainly in the places where these activities are being carried out (the urban SPAs). Equally, printed materials will enable promotion of actions like the creation of the tourist product about lesser kestrels in fairs and national and international events (action E10). Finally this material provides the tools necessary for the training workshops and other project events, sharing the contents of specific actions to the required destinations, such as those who are participating in these events, helping direct the recipient to the information required.

Responsible for the implementation: laruinagráfica, General Directorate of the Environment and General Directorate of Tourism.