
V Congress on “Special bird protection areas in built-up areas of Extremadura - conservation and tourism”

On Friday 19th May the fifth edition of this interesting congress on urban birds, conservation, and tourism was held as part of the Cáceres Bird Festival.


The project begins to carry out the work on the roof of the Church of La Purificación of Almendralejo

Within the framework of this Action C2 "Adaptation of nesting sites on buildings managed by the State Office of Libraries, Museums, and Cultural Heritage", part of the roof and the tower of the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Purificación de Almendralejo will be remodelled to avoid filtrations in the building and ensure the permanence of its important colony of lesser kestrels.


The origin of the scientific name of the lesser kestrel

Did you know why the scientific name of the lesser kestrel is Falco naumanni?


The first lesser kestrel census of the life-ZEPAURBAN project begins

Within the framework of action A1 the first lesser kestrel census has begun. 


The kestrel in the “Treasure of the spanish language” by Sebastián de Covarrubias y Orozco

“In the Spanish tongue the name cernícalo from cerner meaning to hover is used, because the bird stays aloft without moving but stirring its wings and tail; hunters call this hovering.”


New of GREFA | We went to Mérida to talk about lesser kestrels in urban areas and welcomed the first to arrive

The Group for Restoring Indigenous Fauna and its Habitat (Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su hábitat, GREFA) is involved with the urban population of the lesser kestrel in Extremadura


On 15th February 2017 the first Scientific Committee meeting was held within the framework of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project

On 15th February 2017 the first Scientific Committee meeting was held as part of the LIFE15 NAT/ES/001016 project on the “Management of urban ZEPAs for the conservation of the lesser kestrel in Extremadura”, LIFE-ZEPAURBAN.


The State Office for the Environment holds meetings with the personnel of the Service for the Conservation of Nature and Protected Areas so as to disseminate the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project

The State Office for the Environment holds meetings with the personnel of the Service for the Conservation of Nature and Protected Areas so as to disseminate the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project.


The LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project for the conservation of the lesser kestrel will implement thirty actions over the next 4 years

Up to December 2020 the Regional Ministry for the Environment and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Policies, and Territory will carry out a total of 30 actions included in the LIFE project for the conservation of the lesser kestrel in the urban Special Bird Protection Areas.


Meeting of the State Office for the Environment and Terra Naturalis with a view to starting the census and the fitting of birds with transmitters

Meeting of the State Office for the Environment and Terra Naturalis, both partners of the ZEPAURBAN project, with a view to initiating its first actions to be carried out and in particular the 2017 census (A1) and the fitting of birds with transmitters (A2).